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Eric Schmidt

“Webit is doing en enormous service to society.”

Eric Schmidt, Co-Founder, Schmidt Futures; Former CEO, Google.

Rossen Plevneliev

Plamen Russev is one of the pioneers and he works for the sake of Bulgaria to help the country build its reputation in the digiatl and tech fields. His vision for the digital future of Bulgaria is also mine!

Rossen Plevneliev, President of Republic of Bulgaria

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Power to the people - the new marketing

Power to the people - the new marketing

The best selling book "Power to the People - the new marketing" is a guide to creating online identity and engaging in conversation. It reveals a step-by-step process of successfully using social media for business.

In the first part @Plamen Russev explains the social media phenomenon. The second part provides precise guidelines to creating both a personal profile and a brand page. Althouh we all know how to do that, if you read the book you'll understand why some are more successful than others. The third part is dedicated to a comprehensive plan for creating a social media marketing strategy. The forth and last part of the book provides proven tools and solutions of successful online reputation management.

"Power to the people - the new marketing" is published by e-Academy - the EU-certified educational institution for professional online business and digital marketing education.