Investing for Impact

Plamen invests in businesses and funds dedicated to making a positive impact on humanity, with a focus on sectors such as AI, blockchain, healthcare, sustainability, fintech, agritech, food security, and education.

Public listing and investment career

In 2022, Dr. Russev successfully led Webit Investment Network AD (BSE: WIN) to become the first publicly listed investment company to co-fund one of the world's biggest investment awards, the Founders Games.

Over 700 investors backed the company's initial public offering (IPO), which was a resounding success as it was oversubscribed by over 2.43 times.

Plamen has invested directly or as a limited partner (LP) in impact founders and companies in different parts of the world. His commitment is to support high-growth companies that have already established themselves (post seed/A+ round) and generate social and environmental change while also achieving business success. 

His investments demonstrate that saving humanity is a multi-trillion-dollar opportunity.